Iranians protest honor killings after the death of another young woman

Iran Telegraf)
Iranians demonstrate against honor killings (photo: Iran Telegraf)

On August 14th, eighteen year-old Fereshteh Nejati was murdered by her father. Forced into marriage at 14, Fereshteh was seeking a divorce.

The details of her murder are gruesome. The response to the tragedy, however, shows signs of hope for Iran’s women.

Where am I finding this hope? Well, Fereshteh’s community decided that enough is enough. Some 2000 people – men and women – gathered in the streets to demand an end to honor killings, and to claim Fereshteh’s body for a respectful burial.

See photos of the demonstration here

As always, check out the International Campaign Against Honour Killings . There, you can join communities like Fereshteh’s in their efforts.


* Please remember to keep taking action for Kobra Najjar, an Iranian woman facing imminent stoning.

* Sign the anti-honor killing petition I’ve told you about here.

* Send letters to the Pakistani government demanding that they take action against honor killings.

* Work against the epidemic of rape in Afghanistan.

* Help protect women threatened with acid attacks.

8 thoughts on “Iranians protest honor killings after the death of another young woman

  1. What a horrible thing. It angers me to no end how sick, twisted cultural practices had remained in place even though Islam came into these countries. And then of course we non-Muslims think, “Honor killing is Islamic. What a barbaric and evil religion.” But now I’m beginning to see, via Muslims in the West, and Western Muslim converts, that the *real* Islam is so totally divorced from the abusive crap that takes place against women in so many countries in the name of Islam.

    I was overjoyed to see so many MEN marching in the protests. The more that Muslims in the West use blogs and the media to raise awareness of the cultural abuses being done in the name of Islam in other countries, the more that these abuses will be placed into the global spotlight ~ and hopefully they’ll be brought to an end! The media and the internet are being used as wonderful tools by *true* Muslims in these countries to help the entire world to see what is going on within their cultures in the name of religion. It’s wonderful to see that people in the West are paying attention to the blogs and media elsewhere and that they are shouting loudly against such atrocities!! Just because we don’t live there, this doesn’t mean we can turn a blind eye!

  2. How gruesome this single standing case was, it’s really touching to see people care and demonstrate against such evil actions.

  3. What kind of culture and religion tolerates killing of “honor”? Islam is a little bit suspicious, or what?

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